Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 4: Weekly Update

My SMART goal:  Over the next ten weeks 10 weeks I will use reusable water bottles 100% of the time when drinking water and other beverages such as coffee, gatorade, and juice and I will consume 8 glasses of water a day.

Successes:  I did a really good job this week on the first part of my goal.  I only used a non-reusable container once this week! I have not managed to drink 8 glasses of water a day yet but I am doing better than I did last week.  I have been saving money and have almost cut soda out of my diet.

Challenges: It was challenging for me to drink 8 glasses of water a day.  I always ended up forgetting and trying to drink a lot of water before bed but then I would have to get up twice a night to go to the bathroom.

Feelings: I was proud of myself for reaching the first part of my goal this week! On the other hand it was frustrating that the second part was so challenging for me.  However, this was my first week with my new goal and I am confident that once it becomes a routine I will be able to reach it.

What I learned: I learned that even seemingly simple goals can be hard to meet when they are not a part of your everyday routine.

Next Week: I plan on sticking with my revised goal and improving on it by my next weekly update! :)


  1. I know that it can be hard to drink all of that water!!! I have been adding lemons to my water and it has made it a little easier!

  2. Good for you for doing such a great job with your goal! And I drinking 8 oz of water a day sounds easy enough but I know it can be really hard to remember through out the entire day.

  3. I have a really hard time remembering to drink that much water, so thanks for helping remind me!!! Keep up the good work!
