Friday, November 6, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 7 & 8

This week started with the Environmental Working group eye opener activity.  I think this is a very good resource and I have bookmarked it and will be using it to check the products I have and to search for new ones.I don't was beauty products to effect my health or the environment.

During class we watched the video "Green".  It surprised me how environmental racism is effecting people in our country.  I have heard the term "cancer ally" but actually seeing footage from that area and hearing from residents has really opened my eyes to how bad it really is. It is awful that the chemical companies have basically decided the health of the people living in these area.  I am much more aware of the products I buy and I hope by making better choices I can help cut back to the use of these chemicals.

Week 8
I love the eye opener this week. Junking is SO cool! I am really excited to do the project Dr. V is talking about.  I can't wait to see the things our class comes up with.  My mom has been junking for years but I never knew there was a name for it or cool blogs with so many ideas. 

In class we watched the documentary "Thirst".  Once again this video opened me up to another set of issues that I wasn't aware of.  The scariest part of the video for me was how companies such as coca-cola are using a countries water and bottling it to sell it back to the people for a profit when the people are unable to get their own water from their land.  I also really enjoyed our class discussion of the Smoking Ban Forum.  It was great to see my classmates stand up for the ban and voice their opinions.  

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5: Weekly Update

Over the next ten weeks I will use reusable waterbottles 100% of the time when drinking water and other beverages such as coffee, sports drinks and juice and I will consume 8 glasses of water a day.
I was able to drink 8 glasses of water 5 out of seven days this week.  When I am in class and at school I tend to drink more water becuase I always have my water bottle with me but I struggled on Friday and Saturday to drink enough water becuase I was busy and not on my usual schedual.  
I sliped up four times this week buying a soda, orange juice, and two coffee's at the coffe shop.  I am disappointed that I did this and I know I can do a better job next week.  I also had a hard time drinking 8 glasses of water on the weekend because I was out of my normal schedual. 

Overall I am happy with my progress this week.  I drank a lot of water but I am disapointed with the amount of plastic containers I purchased.  Not to mention I spent $7 buying those drinks when I could have been drinking free water.


What I Learned
I noticed that I am drinking a lot more water which means I am drinking less soda and coffee.  I get caffine headachs and I am trying to cut back on the amount of coffee and soda I get to get rid of these cravings.  So far my SMART goal has been very helpful in that sense.  It is cool how changing one seemingly simple thing can change other things in your life for the better.
Plans for Next Week
For the upcoming week, I plan on keeping my current SMART goal: 
I will use reusable waterbottles 100% of the time when drinking water and other beverages such as coffee, sportsdrinks, and juice and I will consume 8 glasses of water each day.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Eye Opener: Junk on the Brain

antiques/antiquing: An antique (antiquus; old) is an old collectible item. Antiquing is a shopping activity.

junk/junking: Waste, any undesired thing or substance or Scrap, recyclable waste used to build new things.

flea market: A market, usually held outdoors, where antiques, used household goods, and curios are sold.

thrift shop: A shop that sells used articles, especially clothing, as to benefit a charitable organization.

upcycling: The process of converting an industrial nutrient (material) into something of similar or greater value, in its second life. Aluminum and glass, for example, can usually be upcycled into the same quality of aluminum and glass as the original products.

resale shop: A shop that sells again something that has already been purchased.

What do the terms above have to do with environmental health?
They all have to do with using the resources we already have instead of buying new products.  If we reuse things and stop relying on new products it will save the amount of emissions and chemicals that it takes to produce new items.

Local resources

antiques/antiquing: Canal Park Antique Center
Location: 310 S Lake Ave, Duluth, MN 
Contact info: (218) 720-3940‎

junk/junking: Junkologie 
Location: Wisconsin
Contact info:

flea market: Shady Hallow 
Location: Detroit Lakes, MN (my home town)
Contact info: or call 218.847.9488

thrift shop: Savers 
Location: Duluth, MN near target
Contact info:(218) 722-1894

upcycling: Green Mercantie (many upcycled and green products)

Location: Duluth, MN Superior Street
Contact Info: (218) 722-1771

resale shop: Dannie Duluth
Location: 932 E 4th St, Duluth, MN‎ 
Contact info: (218) 724-850

When I lived at home I would go to the flea market with my mom all the time! I have also been to savers and to Dannie Duluth but I have never purchased anything from these stores.  I realize that I do not take advantage of second hand stores and after doing this assignment I have realized that there are a lot of cool things out there to find!

Organ Pipe Photo Holders
I thought this was a very cool project! I love pictures and this was such a unique way to display them.  I also love organs and these old wooden pipes are gorgeous.

Pick Another Daisy
This is so COOL! She took an ice cream cone holder and transformed it into a candle holder, vase, and a place to store office supplies.  Have candles all over my room and this would be a nice way to organize them.  Plus, it would save on my electric bill if I lit my place with candles.

I thought that this was a very thoughtful way to welcome a guest.  It is an old bread loaf pan.  I would never think that it could be used for veggies, office supplies and a welcoming gift but I guess it just takes a little imagination. :)