Friday, October 30, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 3: Second quarter of Omnivore's Dilemma

This section of the book is titled Grass. It covers chapters 8-14 and pages 123-262.  This section begins by explaining how organic food is produced and why it is becoming more popular.  The author suggests that it is because it "gratifies some of our deepest, oldest longings, not merely for safe food, but for a connection to the earth and to the handful of domesticated creatures we've long depended on." I thought that quote was very interesting.  The next chapter goes on to explain what standards products have to meet to be considered organic.  Eventually, the author documents a weeks time he spent on an organic farm.


"organic" according to the USDA

  • 100% Organic- means that every ingredient in the product was raised and harvested in an organic environment as approved and certified by the USDA.
  • Organic- means that 70 to 95 percent of all the ingredients have been raised in a USDA approved manner
  • Any product containing ingredients with less than a 70 percent organic content can separately list each ingredient that falls into the USDA organic category, but the product may not display a label claiming the product as organic.

Interesting Facts:

Today it takes between seven and ten calories of fossil fuel to deliver one calorie of food energy to an American plate.

Growing food organically uses about a third less fossil fuel than growing it conventionally.

The information in this section was very interesting and I think it is very important for consumers.  If you want to know what you are buying you need to know how it is made and whether or not you are buying a brand name or a quality product.  After reading this I realized that the amount of work farmers put into their crop in order to produce organic products it worth the extra price of organic foods.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Share & Voice: Smoking Forum

I attended the smoking forum and it was a very cool experience.  I didn't know what to expect from the forum because I have never attended one before.  I was hoping to hear both sides represented.  I am a non-smoker and I support the smoking ban along with all of my friends and classmates.  There are also no smokers in my immediate family.  Because of this I was excited to hear what the other side had to say and their reasons for wanting to keep smoking on campus.  I was surprised that only two "smokers" voiced their opinion at the forum, I was expecting a better turn out.  Even though there were only a few people there I think the debate was still very, very, interesting.  It was cool to see a few of my classmates get up and voice their opinions in front of the group.  They all did a great job!

I didn't say anything but I was still there wearing a t-shirt from the American Lung Association showing my support for the smoking ban.  After attending the forum my opinion didn't change about the smoking ban but I tried to keep an open mind and listen to all sides of the issue.  I feel more informed on this topic and I am excited to see what happens in the future concerning the ban, smoking shelters, and fines.

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 4: Weekly Update

My SMART goal:  Over the next ten weeks 10 weeks I will use reusable water bottles 100% of the time when drinking water and other beverages such as coffee, gatorade, and juice and I will consume 8 glasses of water a day.

Successes:  I did a really good job this week on the first part of my goal.  I only used a non-reusable container once this week! I have not managed to drink 8 glasses of water a day yet but I am doing better than I did last week.  I have been saving money and have almost cut soda out of my diet.

Challenges: It was challenging for me to drink 8 glasses of water a day.  I always ended up forgetting and trying to drink a lot of water before bed but then I would have to get up twice a night to go to the bathroom.

Feelings: I was proud of myself for reaching the first part of my goal this week! On the other hand it was frustrating that the second part was so challenging for me.  However, this was my first week with my new goal and I am confident that once it becomes a routine I will be able to reach it.

What I learned: I learned that even seemingly simple goals can be hard to meet when they are not a part of your everyday routine.

Next Week: I plan on sticking with my revised goal and improving on it by my next weekly update! :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Eye Opener: Environmental Working Group

I never thought of toothpaste being a hazard.  It is shocking to see that ingredients within the toothpaste I am currently using are linked to things such as cancer and reproductive toxicity.  I need to consider changing some of the products I use.  This is a great site to search for healthy and safe products.