Friday, October 9, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 3 & 4

I learned a lot this week! We started by meeting with the TA's to figure out what we were missing on our blogs.  I found this very helpful. I also picked out my book that I am reading for read 'n' seed. I have started and im already loving it!  I really enjoyed class on Monday.  It was awesome to hear everyone's plans for their eco-chic lifestyle change.  It inspired me to set my SMART goal which is for the next ten weeks to drink out of a re-usable water bottle 100% of the time.  I have already started this project and so far I havn't ran into any obsticals and I have been drinking more water!  The most eye opening part of class was completing the ecological footprint suveys and finding out that my lifestlye is contributing to global climate change.  I thought watching the Inconvinent Truth tied in really well with this concept.  I really enjoyed the video and it opened my eyes to what is happening in our world and also that I am a direct contributer.  However there is hope!  I am confidnet that if I continue my eco-chic lifestyle change and if I make other small changes I will do my part to repair the damage that has been done.  Save the Polar Bears:)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1: My SMART Goal


Over the next ten weeks 10 weeks I will use reusable water bottles 100% of the time when drinking water and other beverages such as coffee, gatorade, and juice.

How is this lifestyle change Eco-Chic? 

This change will reduce the use of fossil fuels and greenhouse gases that result from manufacturing water bottles and it will cut down on the number of plastic bottles in stuck in landfills .  


This change will not only benefit the environment but it will benifit me personally.  I will drink more water becuase it will no longer be convinent to buy a soda or sports drink.  It will also save me money.  I spend a lot of money on soda, gatorade, juice and coffee.  This change will help me focus on drinking water. 

Why is this lifestyle change important to me?

This change is important to me becuase I need to do my part to help the environment.  I think this will be a relativly easy habit to get into and it is something I can do for the rest of my life.  I have used a reusable water bottle in the past for water but I think the most challenging part of my goal will be to refrain from buying soda and gatorade.  I also will need to remember to bring a reusable bottle for my coffee.  Im excited to start this change and see how it will benifit my health and save me money.  I think it is a win-win situation!

Making the change!

Starting NOW I am done using plastic bottles!

I also blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1 Linky Party hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy. 

Monday, October 5, 2009

Eye Opener: Ecological Footprint

According to the Earthday footprint quiz it would take 3.2 earths to provide enough resources for everyone to live my lifestyle and according to My footprint quiz  it would take 3.88 earths to sustain life if everyone lived like I do. I also took the Travel calculator Quiz and according to it I am average.  At first I thought there had to be a mistake because I try to do things to "be green."  It was shocking to see how my lifestyle can have such an impact on the earth.  I am obviously not doing enough to help the planet.  I realize now how selfish I am being and how wasteful I am.  I can adjust my everyday behaviors to reduce my ecological footprint.  I sometimes forget to unplug appliances, I drive my car too often, and I almost never air dry my clothing.  I also now see that I am too much of a comsumer.  I like to shop and I buy too many clothes that I don't need.  I also have always wanted to have my own garden but I have just been too lazy.  There are many ways I can reduce my ecological footprint so now its time to do something about it!