Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Share & Voice: Smoking Forum

I attended the smoking forum and it was a very cool experience.  I didn't know what to expect from the forum because I have never attended one before.  I was hoping to hear both sides represented.  I am a non-smoker and I support the smoking ban along with all of my friends and classmates.  There are also no smokers in my immediate family.  Because of this I was excited to hear what the other side had to say and their reasons for wanting to keep smoking on campus.  I was surprised that only two "smokers" voiced their opinion at the forum, I was expecting a better turn out.  Even though there were only a few people there I think the debate was still very, very, interesting.  It was cool to see a few of my classmates get up and voice their opinions in front of the group.  They all did a great job!

I didn't say anything but I was still there wearing a t-shirt from the American Lung Association showing my support for the smoking ban.  After attending the forum my opinion didn't change about the smoking ban but I tried to keep an open mind and listen to all sides of the issue.  I feel more informed on this topic and I am excited to see what happens in the future concerning the ban, smoking shelters, and fines.


  1. Awesome that you went Jordanne! Wish I could have, but I had class :(

  2. Cool that you went... and interesting that there wasn't a very big turn out. It seems to be a topic that's important to a lot of people. I know I for one I'm really greatful for the smoking ban.

  3. Good for you for going!
