Friday, December 4, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 11 & 12


Week 11 :  This week we focused more on our advocay projects and did an overview on our issues.  Mine is water quality and the regulation of water testing.  I am learing a lot about this topic and am excited to write a letter to my political representative to support this bill.  In class we did an activity defining words such as enviromental literacy. 

Next, we did a junking activity which I thought was a lot of fun.  Dr. V gave us some old items and we had to come up with uses for them.  It was cool to see all the ideas the class had.  It also gave me a some ideas of my own so I can start Junking myself!

Week 12
In class we learned about blog hops and shared our photo essays with the class.  It was great to see everyone's photo essays. I definalty learned more about environmental topics as well as my classmates.  My favorite photo essay was Keith's.  I thought he took some great pictures and shed some light on an important issue.  It was also fun to participate in the blog hop.  It is amazing how many tools are out there for us to use with our blogs.  I hope to use some of these tools in the future in my career.This class is fun becuase we are learing things that we can apply to our lives outside of school. 

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Share and Voice: Quiz Yourself

Global Warming Quiz

Click on this LINK and take the quiz

Do you know the true cost of Food?

Click on this LINK to take the quiz

Smart Travel Quiz

Click on this LINK to take the quiz

How Safe is your ...??



Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 9: Weekly Update

Over the next ten weeks I will use reusable waterbottles 100% of the time when drinking water and other beverages such as coffee, sports drinks and juice and I will consume 8 glasses of water a day.
I got back on track this week with my goal and was able to drink 8 glasses of water everyday! I also was able to use re-usable containers on most occasions this week.

I had only a few draw backs this week using plastic containers. I purchased a soda one day because I was really craving a Mountain Dew and I also purchased a coffee from Caribou on Monday.
I was really happy with myself this week after my poor performance last week.  I was still traveling because of the Thanksgiving Holiday but I stuck with my goal for the most part.  It was fun to tell my family and friends from home about my goal and about what we are learning in this class.  Overall, I think I had a good week.

What I Learned

I have learned that even if I do poorly one week I can turn it around.  I am happy that I have started this goal and I think it is something I can try and do for the rest of my life.  I have improved my health, saved money, and reduced my carbon footprint.  I also am planning on doing more things to be more eco-chic in the future.

Plans for Next Week
For the upcoming week, I plan on keeping my current SMART goal: I will use reusable water bottles 100% of the time when drinking water and other beverages such as coffee, sportsdrinks, and juice and I will consume 8 glasses of water each day.

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 9 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy

Monday, November 30, 2009

Eye Opener: Photo Essay

This photo essay gave me the chance to transform my normal grocery shopping experience into something a little more GREEN.  I decided to go to Whole Foods on 610 E 4th St.  

Bike racks and car pool parking spots encourage GREEN transportation! 

I purchased organic fruit and veggies along with locally made bread.  I even found some organic macaroni and cheese for .99 cents! 

Notice one of the ingredients of my bread is LOVE! {Very cute}

I decided not to purchase any meat to reduce my carbon footprint!

My final purchase was GREEN dishsoap.

MckLinky Blog Hop

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Share & Voice: Buy Nothing Day

** Watch this Video of The Daily Show where Jon Steward makes fun of Black Friday.

Instead of participating in the shopping frenzy of Black Friday this year I took part in another tradition called Buy Nothing Day. The idea behind Buy Nothing Day is to take a break from the mass consumerism that usually takes place the day after Thanksgiving.  People are asked to focus on things such as the environment and climate change.

‘Buy Nothing Day highlights the environmental and ethical consequences of shopping. The developed countries – only 20% of the world population are consuming over 80% of the earth’s natural resources, causing a disproportionate level of environmental damage and an unfair distribution of wealth.’


I have never liked the idea of Black Friday... getting up in the middle of the night to stand in a line never seemed like a lot of fun.  When I heard about Buy Nothing Day I thought it was a great chance to skip Black Friday and do something better with my time. SLEEP! The day was much more relaxing and for once I wasn't being a consumer.