Thursday, November 12, 2009

Share & Voice: Dine Green

Dine Green is a great website for finding a Certified Green Restaurant near you!  I think it would be very helpful when you are on vacation or in a new city to find tasty food without the carbon footprint.  :)  What standards do these certified green restaurants have to meet? Click here to find out! 

7 Ways to Green Your Dining Experience

1 Choose to dine green by patronizing Certified Green Restaurants®

2 Walk, take public transit, dine at a restaurant close to your home or office, or carpool when dining out

3 Carry pocket-size guides to sustainable seafood, like the ones from Blue Ocean Institute, to help you make smart seafood choices at the fish counter, or your local sushi joint.

4 Bring your own mug for coffee. Make sure to remind staff to make your drink in the cup you bring, not to waste by making it in a to-go cup, then pouring it into your travel mug

5 Consider menu items lower on the food chain. For example, chicken has a lower environmental impact than beef, while sustainable seafood has a lower impact than chicken, and vegetarian and vegan items have the lowest of them all.

6 Bring your own re-usable container and offer it to your server when you ask to take your leftovers home

7 Our research has found that several restaurants claim that 25% of food ordered by customers is wasted and thrown out. Be conscious about what you order and really think about how hungry you are.

For more information watch the Green Restaurant Association Educational Video!


  1. This is so cool! I am totally going to use this when I go and visit my sister in Cali!

  2. Thanks for passing on the info! i really like it. I didnt even know that they had certified green restaurants.

  3. I like your link to the Certified Green Restaurants.
    This post had some great tips and information!
