Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Eye Opener: Online Learning Activities

 Maggie: School Lunch Subsidies and Nutrition 

1.What was your school lunch like growing up?
French fries and pizza were offered everyday as a choice at lunch and most kids chose those options.  I think our lunch was very unhealthy.  They had a few good options but very few and they were overshadowed by pizza, corn dogs, and french fries.
. Would you consider it as healthy?

Do you remember how it was paid for/ by whom?

My parents paid for my lunch but I brought lunch from home most days.  
4. What are some obsticles that got in the way of providing American school children with healthy lunches.  
Lobbyists, government, cost, politics
What health problems affect American children? Did this surprise you?
Heart disease, type II diabetes, hypertension, -- diseases that used to only be seen in adults. This did surprise me! 1/3 of children are overweight or obese!
 Consider what you have read and the video you have watched: What do you think is the #1 thing that you think can be done to improve school lunch?

Better choices for kids and smaller portions sizes.  There is not reason junk food should be served at school lunches.  For some kids that is one of the only meals they get all day.  It should be as healthy as possible.  

Karly: Physical Education in the Schools Lesson 

Did your elementary/middle/high school have a Physical Education program? 
How many days a week did you have PE class?
5 days a week
How long were the classes?
One hour
Were you required to participate?
Did you enjoy this class? Why or why not?
Yes, it was my favorite class of the day because it gave you the chance to move around and have fun with your friends.

What are the current recommendations for children and physical activity?
60 mins a day
What are the percentages of schools that are currently providing physical education? 

3.8% of elementary, 7.9% of middle, and 2.1% of high schools provide daily physical

What percentage of schools DO NOT have a PE program?

What are some of the benefits of PE in the school?
  • students’ aerobic and physical fitness increased
  • reduced body mass index
  • improvements in students’ academic performance 
  • positive impact on tobacco use, insomnia, depression, and anxiety
Do you feel as though PE in the schools should be a required course? why or why not?

If yes, up until which age/grade? 
Yes, I feel like it should be required for every grade because physical activity doesn't become less important as you grow older.  It is important for all kids to participate in PE classes.
Do you think that it should be the parents job to make sure their children are physically active and not the schools?
I think it is a job for parents and for schools.  Physical activity should be required in schools because not every kids has the same home life or chance to participate in after school physical activity.
Do you believe that having PE in the schools incorporates other beneficial qualities besides fitness? if yes, what?  
Yes, I believe that it gives kids a chance to socialize and to have some fun.  It also helps kids focus better through out the day in their classes.  

Hailey:Water Quality and Sanitation Activity

1. People are losing their self ___ because of their lack of sanitary resources.
6. The other main issue that is affecting individuals in developing countries
Sanitary Resources 
7. One of the biggest barriers in reducing the amount of people affected by poor water quality and sanitation.
9. The percentage of people who lack access to clean drinking water in the world.
Forty Percent
2. How many countries worldwide are in need of assistance when it comes to water quality and sanitation.
95 countries
3. One of the main issues affecting individuals living in developing countries?
Water Access
4. An economic impact of poor water quality and sanitation would be reduced worker Productivity
5. People are being infected by _____ on a regular basis due to unclean water.
8. The acronym for one of the leading agencies who is helping out with water quality and sanitation problems?

What do you think it would be like to live without access to clean water and sanitary resources?
Everyday would be a struggle.  Water is a huge part of my life and If I didn't have clean water readily available to me or if the water I was drinking was causing me to get sick it would be hard to function.


  1. Great post Jordanne! You did a great job on my section

  2. You did a good job with mine too!! it was cool to hear your responses!
