Thursday, December 17, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 13 & 14 and Overall Course Reflection

Week 13
I was unable to make it the the Goodwill field trip this week because of some on-going car problems but I heard that it was very interesting!  We wrote our advocacy letters and I thought that was a really fun assignment.  I have never done something like that before and I feel like I did something that will make a difference.  It was nice to be able to put into action something we have been researching and learning so much about these last few weeks.  I also posted my last Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change post and have decided to stick with my goal!  I can honesty say that it has become a part of my lifestyle.

Week 14
It was really fun to put together my online learning activities for my group members.  I also enjoyed completing the activities that they posted because it gave me a chance to learn more about their topics.  I thought they all did a wonderful job and I was definitely able to learn something new! It was great to see everyones junking projects! We have a very creative class.  My favorite part of class this week was our discussion that we had talking about how environmental health has changed us.  It was great to hear from everyone! I really believe that I have learned things in this class that I will take with me and incorporate into my everyday life.

**This is a photo of my Junking Project!!

I had a lot of fun taking this class! I can't believe the semester is already over.  There were so many eye opening experiences through out this class and I have learned to change some of my habits and be more aware of my surroundings.  I enjoyed all of the documentaries, they really opened up my mind to some very important issues that we face today.  Because of this class I have started to do more things to decrease my impact on the earth.  I believe that every little bit helps.  I have also started to tell others what I have learned and encourage them to change as well.  The challenge will be to keep it up! I hope everyone in this class continues to do their part.  Thank you Dr. V and thank you to my wonderful group members! I really enjoyed reading your blogs.  :) Have a GREAT winter break!


  1. It was great having you as a group member Jordanne! Have a great break!

  2. Same here, I always enjoyed your posts. Happy Holidays! :)
