Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3: Weekly Update

My SMART goal: Over the next ten weeks 10 weeks I will use reusable water bottles 100% of the time when drinking water and other beverages such as coffee, gatorade, and juice. 
I feel like I am acheiveing my SMART goal.  I have had a few draw backs but overall I have used a reusable container for my beverages.

Successes: I feel like I am drinking more water and cutting down on the amount of waste I produce.  I never noticed how often I purchased plastic containers and I feel like I am saving money too! 

Challenges: I had a few draw backs this past week.  I wanted a "hot apple blast drink" from Caribou and I purchased one and didn't use a reusable container.  I also purchased an orange juice from the school store and it came in a plastic bottle.  

Feelings: I felt greedy when I bought the drink from Caribou because I knew I was going against my SMART goal but I did it anyways.  I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought.  This same feeling of guilt occurred when I purchased my orange juice.  But overall I thought I did a good job. 

What I learned: I learned that by not drinking out of plastic containers I am saving a lot of money and reducing the amount of waste I produce.  I also am drinking less soda and sports drinks and that is good for my health because it lessens the amount of sugar I consume.  

Next Week:
I plan on making my goal more challenging by adding drinking up to 8 glasses of water a day.  As of now I have not been keeping track of the amount of water I drink so this will be a challenge for me.  We will see how it goes! :) 


  1. I know what you mean when you say guilt. It is that feeling you get when you are doing something that goes against your values. The goal is not to feel bad about it...but make a choice that works with your values next time.

    I look forward to seeing how the water drinking goes for you!! :)

  2. I completely agree that you find yourself saving a good amount of money by not buying drinks in plastic containers, I know I have! Keep up the good work!

  3. Sounds like your doing a good job so far! And it seems like your starting an overall healthier lifestyle by not drinking sodas, etc.. I struggle with drinking enough water too, good luck with it next week!

  4. I like that you're adding to your goal by drinking the extra 8 oz of water a day! Good luck!
