Friday, October 23, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 5 & 6

What we choice to eat has a major impact on the environment and week 5 was a huge wake up call to that fact.  Our eye-opener this week was the CSPI activity.  I did three different assignments that showed me how my diet effects the environment and my health.  I was encouraging to see that even the smallest change can make a huge difference.  Next, we watched the video "Future of Food".  I thought this video was really interesting and it changed the way I look at my food choices.  The question that I have been asking myself is, where did this come from, instead of just randomly picking the first thing I see.

I began reading my book Omnivore's Dilemma and so far it has been one of my favorite parts of this class.  Watching "Future of Food" was a great introduction to the food industry and Omnivore's Dilemma explores the topic as well.  I am excited to continue reading and to learn more about the history and future of food.

In class on Monday we watched the video "Diet for a New America" which gave even more interesting information on the food we eat.  I learned a lot of things about the cattle industry that I didn't like such as the treatment of the animals and the pollution of drinking water.  After watching the video I have cut down on the amount of meat I eat and have decided to quit eating red meat all together.  I think it is a good choice for my health and for the environment!

I also learned some fun things about blogging!  There are so many things you can do with a blog.  I am planning on finding something cool to add to mine soon.

I have added on to my SMART goal this week.  I am going to try and drink 8 glasses of water a day! The last few days have been tough but so far I have made my goal.  Have a great weekend everyone! See you on MONDAY.


  1. Yeah the pollution of surrounding drinking water from the cows is gross.

  2. That is awesome that you have cut out red meat! Some times I think about doing that myself, but I also find myself having cravings for a burger! I don't eat it as much as I used to though!

  3. It will be interesting to hear how your body reacts to not eating any red meat anymore. That video sure made me happy that Im not eating meat right now!!
