Monday, October 5, 2009

Eye Opener: Ecological Footprint

According to the Earthday footprint quiz it would take 3.2 earths to provide enough resources for everyone to live my lifestyle and according to My footprint quiz  it would take 3.88 earths to sustain life if everyone lived like I do. I also took the Travel calculator Quiz and according to it I am average.  At first I thought there had to be a mistake because I try to do things to "be green."  It was shocking to see how my lifestyle can have such an impact on the earth.  I am obviously not doing enough to help the planet.  I realize now how selfish I am being and how wasteful I am.  I can adjust my everyday behaviors to reduce my ecological footprint.  I sometimes forget to unplug appliances, I drive my car too often, and I almost never air dry my clothing.  I also now see that I am too much of a comsumer.  I like to shop and I buy too many clothes that I don't need.  I also have always wanted to have my own garden but I have just been too lazy.  There are many ways I can reduce my ecological footprint so now its time to do something about it! 

1 comment:

  1. I was shocked too by my results for the EarthDay Foot Print quiz! I knew I wasn't doing my best to be environmentally friendly but I wasn't expecting it to bad that bad.
