Friday, October 9, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 3 & 4

I learned a lot this week! We started by meeting with the TA's to figure out what we were missing on our blogs.  I found this very helpful. I also picked out my book that I am reading for read 'n' seed. I have started and im already loving it!  I really enjoyed class on Monday.  It was awesome to hear everyone's plans for their eco-chic lifestyle change.  It inspired me to set my SMART goal which is for the next ten weeks to drink out of a re-usable water bottle 100% of the time.  I have already started this project and so far I havn't ran into any obsticals and I have been drinking more water!  The most eye opening part of class was completing the ecological footprint suveys and finding out that my lifestlye is contributing to global climate change.  I thought watching the Inconvinent Truth tied in really well with this concept.  I really enjoyed the video and it opened my eyes to what is happening in our world and also that I am a direct contributer.  However there is hope!  I am confidnet that if I continue my eco-chic lifestyle change and if I make other small changes I will do my part to repair the damage that has been done.  Save the Polar Bears:)


  1. I love that picture of the polar bear! I agree that this week was very eye opening! It was neat to find out exactly how we are contributing to the problem, but re-assuring to hear that we can do things to help reduce global warming! Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. I also liked seeing what other people are doing for their lifestyle changes. I think that by reading about everyone's experiences with their own changes it will help me to remember to do mine!

  3. Ha I love your closing! Hope you got my text so we can brainstorm about tomorrows snack!

  4. Such a cute pic, and I like your closing comment. :)
