Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 8: Weekly Update


Over the next ten weeks I will use reusable waterbottles 100% of the time when drinking water and other beverages such as coffee, sports drinks and juice and I will consume 8 glasses of water a day.


I didn't do a very good job this week but I noticed that I was more aware of the mistakes I was making then I would have been in the past.  This week I was away for three days at a basketball tournament.  


This was my worst week with my goal since I started.  We had our first long road trip for basketball and I couldn't help but notice how many paper products I wasted.  At half time of the games I would use paper cups to drink water and after the games our coaches gave us bottles of gatorade.  I should have turn down the gatorade and just drank water but after the game I was craving something with calories.  We also ate out a lot so I would get a paper cup with my subway ect.  


At the time when I was using non-reusable products I just brushed it off but after the weekend I felt really guilty for abandoning my goal.  However, I want to reach my goal more than ever now.  It is harder to do when you are away from your normal environment but I can do it if I try a little harder and have some self control.

What I Learned

I have learned that a goal is harder to reach if you are away from your normal environment and when you are around a group of people who are doing the same thing you are doing.  All of my teammates were using paper cups so it became easier for me to use them too.  On my next road trip I plan on doing a much better job.  

Plans for Next Week

For the upcoming week, I plan on keeping my current SMART goal: I will use reusable water bottles 100% of the time when drinking water and other beverages such as coffee, sportsdrinks, and juice and I will consume 8 glasses of water each day.

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 8 hosted by


  1. It is so hard to maintain a lifestyle change like this when you are out of town, it sounds like you learned what you can work on though for next trip..good job!

  2. I can only imagine how hard it is for you being in a situation like that. If everyone around me was using paper cups and drinking gatorade I know it would be hard for me too! Good luck with this upcoming week, hopefully things will get a little easier!
