Monday, November 23, 2009

Advocacy Project: Issue Overview

Objective 8-8 Water Quality: Increase the proportion of assessed rivers, lakes, and estuaries that are safe for fishing and recreational purposes

The issue that I am advocating for is water quality and the regulation of testing to ensure that lakes, rivers, and estuaries are safe for fishing and recreation.
What current legislation has been proposed to address this? (Identify bill # and name)
H.R.1262 Water Quality: To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to authorize appropriations for State water pollution control revolving funds, and for other purposes.
Who is affected by the issue? 
The issue of water quality affects the people who use lakes, rivers, and estuaries for fishing and recreation. It is important that the testing of these bodies of water are regulated so we can make sure that they are safe to use.   With all of the current water pollution it is possible that these waters can be contaminated and unsafe for public use.  This issue also affects the government and taxpayers because they are the ones who would be responsible for paying for the expenses of water testing.   The people who decide what is important to test are also affected because they have to choose what is safe for the public and what measures to take when testing the water.
Who is affected the most?
The people who are affected the most are the people who use the lakes, rivers, and estuaries because their health can be directly affected by the quality of the water.
Who loses, and what do they lose?
The State government loses because they have to pay for the testing of the water.  They have to hire people who will take accurate readings and they will have to follow regulations and report accurate results.
Who gains, and what do they gain?
The citizens will win because they will know that they have safe water to use.  They won’t have to question whether or not their water is safe to use because it will be tested often and the same across the board.

One consequence of this issue will be cost for funding.  According to the H.R. 1262 Water Quality Investment Act each American will need to pay $37 dollars over the next 5 years to fund the efforts to assess and regulate water quality.  
For the individuals mostly affected?
For the individuals most affected this will mean that the right funds and grants will be given for State government to control the testing of the amount of pollution in lakes, rivers, and estuaries in hopes to reduce the amount of pollution and improve overall water quality.
For their families?
For these individual’s families it will mean that they will be provided more information regarding the safety of the water that they count on for fishing and recreation.
For society?
For society the new bill will provide smaller communities the resources to fund water quality testing thereby, improving the health and safety of its residents.  Hopefully in the long run the testing will help reduce overall water pollution and improve the health of our country.  With improved health less money will be needed for health care.  I also believe that increased testing will help society trust that the government is doing its part to improve the lives of its citizens.

Economic impact
$10.6 billion dollars over the next 5 years
What are the economic costs of the issue, and who bears these costs?
$37 dollars per American over the next 5 years.  
What are the economic benefits of the issue, and who benefits?
The money will help support non-profit organizations to support water quality and programs.  In the long run everyone will benefit because water will be safer for everyone to use.  There will be less money spent on health care because there will less illness associated with the water we use in our country.

Social impact
People will be safe to use lakes, rivers, and estuaries for recreational purposes and fishing knowing that they are safe to use.  At the same time they might also be unwilling to fund the programs financially.  The people who do not have ready access to lakes, rivers, and estuaries may not be willing to give their money for something they do not use on a regular basis.
What are the social costs of the issue, and who bears these costs?
The social costs of this issue could be the stress the costs put on the public and the decisions on where to spend the money and if in fact the money will be put to good use to reduce the amount of water pollution.
What are the social benefits of the issue, and who benefits?
With cleaner and safer water the economy will benefit because people will be willing to spend time at the many tourist destinations that are located on lakes, rivers, and estuaries.  It also gives individuals and families the opportunity to spend time outdoors and to personally benefit from their recreational experiences.

This bill has already passed in the House but still needs to be voted on by the Senate and signed by the president.  Another barrier is cost.  During tough economical times some citizen may not be willing to pay for the testing of water quality.

How can they be overcome?
Barriers can be overcome by education.  If people know the health risks that are associated with contaminated fish and water they may be more willing to fund testing.  It is also important that the politicians are aware that clean water is important to the people especially since we live in a place where rivers, lakes and estuaries are abundant.

Great Lakes Regional Water Program
Great Lakes Fish Consumption Advisory
Water Pollution in the Great Lakes 
H.R. 1262: Water Quality Investment Act of 2009
Contact Jim Oberstar
To understand this bill the links above are helpful.  First it is important to understand the issue and next to know who to contact if you want H.R. 1262: Water Quality Investment Act of 2009 passed.  A great way to tap these resources is to use the interent of to contact Jim Oberstar.
** Here is Jim Oberstar's Facebook page! 

This bill stems of of the Clean Water Act their goal is "to the protection and propagation of fish, shellfish, and wildlife and recreation in and on the water." The bill that I am dealing was meant to be an addition to the CWA.  In the past there has been a lack of funding for smaller communities and a non regulated system. This bill is trying to address the money needs for those smaller communities.

Some programs are already in place to reduce and monitor pollution such as the Pollution Prevention and  Assessment Team.  They promote on self assessment of water quality at homes and on farms.

What were the results?
In tracking the current bill to improve testing I found that the bill has been passed in the House and the bill now goes on to be voted on in the Senate. The last action was on March 16, 2009 and the bill was received in the Senate and then was referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Support / Oppose 

Vote YES!  I believe that this bill is a great chance to improve the testing of lakes and rivers that are apart of our lives.  We need to protect the environment and our health and funding this effort can make a difference.


  1. You did a very thorough job at explaining your issue, its lots of info but you organized and broke it down very nicely!

  2. I really like your topic, I love the outdoors so this was very interesting to read! I like that you had a lot of good information and great visuals!
