Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2: Weekly Update

My SMART goal:

Over the next ten weeks 10 weeks I will use reusable water bottles 100% of the time when drinking water and other beverages such as coffee, gatorade, and juice.

I feel like the first week of my SMART goal has been going smoothly.  I purchased a new water bottle and I have only used a non-reusable container once this week.  

Successes: I did forget my water bottle one day this week but instead of buying a plastic one I just used a empty glass that I had in my locker.  I have been drinking a lot more water since purchasing my water bottle and I have noticed that I have had less headaches! I have always had a problem with headaches and migraines and I find that the more water I drink the less likely I am to get one.  

Challenges: I accidently bought a coffee at the coffee shop the other day and I didn't bring my reusable coffee cup.  I didn't realize until after because it is such a habit for me.  I will just have to keep trying!  I also attended a meeting and they were passing out free bottles of water.  I was thirsty but I made the choice to turn it down.  

Feelings: I was proud of myself for bringing my water bottle most days but when I forgot and bought my coffee I was disappointed in myself for not remembering. At the same time I thought I made the right choice in turning down the bottle of water at the meeting.  It was a small sacrifice but it was worth it. :)

What I learned: I learned that even a small thing such as carrying around a water bottle can be hard because it is one more thing to remember.  I hope that eventually it will just become a habit.  

Next Week: I plan on keeping the same goal for next week and doing my best not to forget to use a reusable container.  I will also try and drink more water throughout the day.  Wish me luck!!


  1. I agree that carrying around a water bottle at times can just feel like a pain! Definitely feels good to be using a re-usable water bottle though! Keep up the good work with your goal!

  2. I think it's cool that you turned down the bottled water. Very cool!!

  3. I like how when you forgot a water bottle one day you used a cup that was left in your locker! Good for you and keep up the good work!

  4. Good job so far! Sounds like you are doing very well with your goal! keep up the good work!
