Monday, October 12, 2009

Eye Opener: CSIP

I took the tour of our food supply on the CSPI website and learned some disturbing things.  It is scary to learn where are food is coming from.  Between the pesticides, the cattle filled with antibiotics, fertilizer factories, polluted rivers and the inhuman practices in slaughterhouses we are setting ourselves up for a disaster.  Not only do these practices harm the environment our health is also in shambles.

Next I took a look at the Green Calculator these were my results:

I thought since I don't eat a lot of meat my scores would be better but the since I consume dairy and eggs I still am effecting the environment with my food choices.

After reducing my servings of cheese, milk, yogurt, and eggs my scores improved:

With even the smallest change the effects on my diet and the environment show great improvements.

I pledge to protect my health and the environment, I will eat a more plant-based diet—more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and nuts and fewer fatty meat and dairy products. When I do eat animal products, I will emphasize ones that are lower in fat and raised in humane ways that minimize harm to the environment.  I took this pledge because I now understand how my choices effect my health and the environment and even the smallest change helps.

My "eating green" grand total was 17 which is considered "good"

Types of foods with the highest score:

Vegetables, Fruit, and whole grain bread.  I scored the highest in these categories because they are the healthiest foods and I usually get all the required amount of servings.

Types of foods with the lowest score:

Cheese and dairy.  I scored the lowest in these categories because they are animal products and I eat too many servings.

Which category do you need the most improvement?

I need the most improvement in the environmental category.

What can you/will you change to improve the score?

I will eat less dairy to improve my score.  I will start by cutting back to the amount of cheese I eat.


This "eye opener" was very interesting.  I think it is amazing how the choices we make effect the environment in such a big way.  I have control of what I put into my body and I am going to start to make better choices.  In the past year I have basically stopped eating meat and I thought that doing that was enough to help the environment and my health but now I see that cheese and dairy products have the same negative effects.


  1. So I have been pretty much saying the same thing on everyone's post, but I think it is cool that you did all three! I did the tour of the food supply which was very informative, but I think the other assessments would be good to do!

  2. I really liked taking these surveys to see how I am impacting the environment. I too need to improve my 'environmental' score!

  3. I like how you put the pics of your eating green calculator, I was surprised about the effects of dairy products too!!
