Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Share & Voice: My brother

My brother is 24 years old and he graduated from the University of Minnesota Moorhead in 2009 with a degree in Sociology.  During his last year of college he became really interested in living a sustainable lifestyle and eating organically.  He decided to accept an internship working on a farm 50 miles outside of Duluth.

The La Finca Farm is a CSA farm where members purchase a share of the harvest before the growing season begins, paying for their share in scheduled installments. Once the harvest begins in mid-June, Summer Share members receive a weekly delivery containing fresh, certified organic vegetables, fruit, and herbs. Following the Summer Share in October, Fall Share Members receive the best of the fall veggies, and the Winter Share extends the season to the end of January! They also offer a free range chicken share with delivery in summer or fall. Members also receive a weekly newsletter with preparation tips, recipes, and an update from the fields.

After watching the video in class I now have a new appreciation for what he is doing.  It is a lot of hard work but he feels like he is learning a life skill and plans to grow his own garden in the future!  Not to mention he brings me fresh organic veggies every time he comes to visit. :)

Its a jungle out there...


  1. That's so awesome! I liked how you put the pictures in too!! good for him!

  2. This is so incredibly cool! That has to feel so rewarding to be working on a farm like that!

  3. Fabulous! I'm going to talk to my hubby about signing up for a CSA!

  4. That seems like it would take a lot of commitment, awesome that your brother is doing that!
