Sunday, October 11, 2009

Share & Voice: Ecorazzi provides celebrity gossip and news that helps celebrities share their positive messages on topics covering environmental, humanitarian, animal rights, and vegetarian issues.  In America we are fascinated with celebrities and I think it is a great idea to show how they are involved in the "green" movement.

They cover topics from film and music to events and fashion.  On this website I learned that October is Vegetarian Awareness Month!
Check out this website and see if your favorite celebrity is GREEN! :)


  1. What a cool website! I looked around on it for awhile and I really liked it. It's definitely true that many American's really like to know what celebs are doing, so this site is a great way for more people to become interested in becoming more green!

  2. Such a great website! You do a very good job of finding great websites!! Love that you share them with us!

  3. I agreee! thanks for sharing all of these! they are awesome!
