Friday, December 4, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 11 & 12


Week 11 :  This week we focused more on our advocay projects and did an overview on our issues.  Mine is water quality and the regulation of water testing.  I am learing a lot about this topic and am excited to write a letter to my political representative to support this bill.  In class we did an activity defining words such as enviromental literacy. 

Next, we did a junking activity which I thought was a lot of fun.  Dr. V gave us some old items and we had to come up with uses for them.  It was cool to see all the ideas the class had.  It also gave me a some ideas of my own so I can start Junking myself!

Week 12
In class we learned about blog hops and shared our photo essays with the class.  It was great to see everyone's photo essays. I definalty learned more about environmental topics as well as my classmates.  My favorite photo essay was Keith's.  I thought he took some great pictures and shed some light on an important issue.  It was also fun to participate in the blog hop.  It is amazing how many tools are out there for us to use with our blogs.  I hope to use some of these tools in the future in my career.This class is fun becuase we are learing things that we can apply to our lives outside of school.