Thursday, December 17, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 13 & 14 and Overall Course Reflection

Week 13
I was unable to make it the the Goodwill field trip this week because of some on-going car problems but I heard that it was very interesting!  We wrote our advocacy letters and I thought that was a really fun assignment.  I have never done something like that before and I feel like I did something that will make a difference.  It was nice to be able to put into action something we have been researching and learning so much about these last few weeks.  I also posted my last Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change post and have decided to stick with my goal!  I can honesty say that it has become a part of my lifestyle.

Week 14
It was really fun to put together my online learning activities for my group members.  I also enjoyed completing the activities that they posted because it gave me a chance to learn more about their topics.  I thought they all did a wonderful job and I was definitely able to learn something new! It was great to see everyones junking projects! We have a very creative class.  My favorite part of class this week was our discussion that we had talking about how environmental health has changed us.  It was great to hear from everyone! I really believe that I have learned things in this class that I will take with me and incorporate into my everyday life.

**This is a photo of my Junking Project!!

I had a lot of fun taking this class! I can't believe the semester is already over.  There were so many eye opening experiences through out this class and I have learned to change some of my habits and be more aware of my surroundings.  I enjoyed all of the documentaries, they really opened up my mind to some very important issues that we face today.  Because of this class I have started to do more things to decrease my impact on the earth.  I believe that every little bit helps.  I have also started to tell others what I have learned and encourage them to change as well.  The challenge will be to keep it up! I hope everyone in this class continues to do their part.  Thank you Dr. V and thank you to my wonderful group members! I really enjoyed reading your blogs.  :) Have a GREAT winter break!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Eye Opener: Online Learning Activities

 Maggie: School Lunch Subsidies and Nutrition 

1.What was your school lunch like growing up?
French fries and pizza were offered everyday as a choice at lunch and most kids chose those options.  I think our lunch was very unhealthy.  They had a few good options but very few and they were overshadowed by pizza, corn dogs, and french fries.
. Would you consider it as healthy?

Do you remember how it was paid for/ by whom?

My parents paid for my lunch but I brought lunch from home most days.  
4. What are some obsticles that got in the way of providing American school children with healthy lunches.  
Lobbyists, government, cost, politics
What health problems affect American children? Did this surprise you?
Heart disease, type II diabetes, hypertension, -- diseases that used to only be seen in adults. This did surprise me! 1/3 of children are overweight or obese!
 Consider what you have read and the video you have watched: What do you think is the #1 thing that you think can be done to improve school lunch?

Better choices for kids and smaller portions sizes.  There is not reason junk food should be served at school lunches.  For some kids that is one of the only meals they get all day.  It should be as healthy as possible.  

Karly: Physical Education in the Schools Lesson 

Did your elementary/middle/high school have a Physical Education program? 
How many days a week did you have PE class?
5 days a week
How long were the classes?
One hour
Were you required to participate?
Did you enjoy this class? Why or why not?
Yes, it was my favorite class of the day because it gave you the chance to move around and have fun with your friends.

What are the current recommendations for children and physical activity?
60 mins a day
What are the percentages of schools that are currently providing physical education? 

3.8% of elementary, 7.9% of middle, and 2.1% of high schools provide daily physical

What percentage of schools DO NOT have a PE program?

What are some of the benefits of PE in the school?
  • students’ aerobic and physical fitness increased
  • reduced body mass index
  • improvements in students’ academic performance 
  • positive impact on tobacco use, insomnia, depression, and anxiety
Do you feel as though PE in the schools should be a required course? why or why not?

If yes, up until which age/grade? 
Yes, I feel like it should be required for every grade because physical activity doesn't become less important as you grow older.  It is important for all kids to participate in PE classes.
Do you think that it should be the parents job to make sure their children are physically active and not the schools?
I think it is a job for parents and for schools.  Physical activity should be required in schools because not every kids has the same home life or chance to participate in after school physical activity.
Do you believe that having PE in the schools incorporates other beneficial qualities besides fitness? if yes, what?  
Yes, I believe that it gives kids a chance to socialize and to have some fun.  It also helps kids focus better through out the day in their classes.  

Hailey:Water Quality and Sanitation Activity

1. People are losing their self ___ because of their lack of sanitary resources.
6. The other main issue that is affecting individuals in developing countries
Sanitary Resources 
7. One of the biggest barriers in reducing the amount of people affected by poor water quality and sanitation.
9. The percentage of people who lack access to clean drinking water in the world.
Forty Percent
2. How many countries worldwide are in need of assistance when it comes to water quality and sanitation.
95 countries
3. One of the main issues affecting individuals living in developing countries?
Water Access
4. An economic impact of poor water quality and sanitation would be reduced worker Productivity
5. People are being infected by _____ on a regular basis due to unclean water.
8. The acronym for one of the leading agencies who is helping out with water quality and sanitation problems?

What do you think it would be like to live without access to clean water and sanitary resources?
Everyday would be a struggle.  Water is a huge part of my life and If I didn't have clean water readily available to me or if the water I was drinking was causing me to get sick it would be hard to function.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Advocacy Project: Water Quality Problem Solver


The purpose of this excersise is to look at the different contaminants that may be in your drinking water. Or if you think there might be something wrong with your water you can narrow down the possible contaminants and find treatments and solutions to your problem.

The quality of our water is vital to the health of Americans.  It is important that water is tested by our government in order to maintain the health of our lakes and rivers.  That is why I am in support of bill H.R.1262 the Water Quality Investment Act.

Water contaminants have negative effects on people's health. The EPA Ground & Drinking Water Website has a list of contaminants that may be infecting your drinking water, along with the health effects of long time exposure to such contaminants.  After looking through these possible contaminants I thought it was important to evaluate my own drinking water.  That is why I developed this activity.

This link below will take you to the Water Quality Association website.  Next, click on the diagnose your drinking water.

You will find a water quality symptom search engine. Now, test your water! If your drinking water has any of the symptoms listed click on them and you will find which contaminate was found in your water.  Click on the contaminate and you will find treatment methods, effects on the water, and the source of the contaminate.

***Pick two contaminates that are either in your water or that are interesting to you and list the treatment methods, effects they have on your water and the source of the contaminate.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Share & Voice: Food Inc.

Food Inc.
Hungry for a Change

In Food, Inc., filmmaker Robert Kenner lifts the veil on our nation's food industry, exposing the highly mechanized underbelly that has been hidden from the American consumer with the consent of our government's regulatory agencies, USDA and FDA. Our nation's food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment. We have bigger-breasted chickens, the perfect pork chop, herbicide-resistant soybean seeds, even tomatoes that won't go bad, but we also have new strains of E. coli—the harmful bacteria that causes illness for an estimated 73,000 Americans annually. We are riddled with widespread obesity, particularly among children, and an epidemic level of diabetes among from official Food Inc. Website

I really enjoyed this movie! 
Check out the trailer!

Share & Voice: Green your Holidays

12 Ways to Green your Holidays

Friday, December 11, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 6: Final Review of Omnivore's Dilemma

This book is divided into three sections corn, grass, and the forest.  In each of these sections the author Michael Pollan attempts to answer the question, What should we have for dinner?  He follows different foods to find out where they come from or how they were made. He covers topics such as hunting, organic farming, processed foods and fast food. His goal is to uncover the consequences of the choices we make when we choose what to eat.
Most significant

  1. Processed foods:  Corn is in everything.   When you add together the natural gas in the fertilizer to the fossil fuels it takes to make the pesticides, drive the tractors, and harvest, dry, and transport the corn, you find that every bushel of industrial corn requires the equivalent of between a quarter and a third of a gallon of oil to grow it-- or around fifty gallons of oil per acre of corn.  Over processed foods have lead to increased obesity in Americans where three of every five Americans are overweight and in the United Nations it is reported that in 2000 the number of people suffering from overnutrition --a billion-- had officially surpassed the number suffering from malnutrition-- 800 million.
  2. Organic Farming: I learned a lot about the organic farming industry and what makes something organic.  100% Organic means that every ingredient in the product was raised and harvested in an organic environment as approved and certified by the USDA.  I have began to start eating organic foods and it was interesting to read about the process the food goes through in order to be certified as organic.  
  3. Fast Food:  It was shocking to read the section about fast food.  I learned that there 38 ingredients in a Mcnuggets.  I also learned that over 19% of the meals Americans consume are in the ca

Why is it important?
Reading this book has inspired me to think about the food I eat.  I have found myself asking where does this come from instead of mindlessly eating.  The choices we make effect of environment, our health, and our happiness.  I have also made the choice to limit the amount of meat I eat.  After reading about the meat industry I don't know how you couldn't think twice before eating a hamburger.

I recommend this book to everyone! I thought it was very entertaining and I learned a lot from reading it.  It honestly has changed the way I think about the food I eat.  

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 10: Overall Project Reflection

SMART goal
My SMART goal: Over the next ten weeks I will use reusable water bottles 100% of the time when drinking water and other beverages such as coffee, sports drinks and juice and I will consume 8 glasses of water a day.  Over the course of the project I added the "consume 8 glasses of water a day" part because I wanted to challenge myself and drink more water through out the day.  
Overall I believe that I was successful reaching my goal.  I was able to use a reusable water bottle the majority of the time and I significantly increased the amount of water I drink during the day.  I have also started drinking less soda, coffee, and sports drinks because they are no longer convenient.  
I faced many challenges during this lifestyle change.  I found it the most difficult to stick with my goal when I was traveling and out of my normal environment.  I also had a difficult time drinking 8 glasses of water a day at the beginning but as with any lifestyle change it takes time.
In the future I plan on sticking with this lifestyle change.  Using reusable containers and drinking more water has too many benefits to go back to the way I used to do things.  
My personal benefits include: saving  money, saving on waste, less headaches, drinking less soda and sports drinks, and improving my overall health.   
 Behavior Change
I learned a lot about behavior change in general from this project.  I learned that it takes time and focus in order to change a behavior.  It took me awhile to steer away from bad habits and I had to constantly remind myself of my goal.  I also learned that if you stick with something it will continue to get easier until it is a new habit.
Environmental Benefits 

When deciding not to drink out of plastic bottles I also decided not to be a part of the following problems:

Americans will buy an estimated 25 billion single-serving, plastic water bottles this year. Eight out of 10 (22 billion) will end up in a landfill. 
-- Container Recycling Institute

Worldwide 2.7 million tons of plastic are used to bottle water each year. 
-- OneWorld 

1.5 million barrels of oil is used annually to produce plastic water bottles for America alone - enough to fuel some 100,000 U.S. cars for a year. 
-- Earth Policy Institute 

By drinking out of reusable containers I am lowering my carbon footprint and negative impact on the earth!

I Will Continue! 
I will continue to use reusable containers to drink water and coffee! I will also strive to drink 8 glasses of water a day.  
Stick with your goals and follow through! 
I suggest that everyone use re-usable water bottles to cut down on the amount of plastic we use and abuse.

  Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 10 hosted by

Monday, December 7, 2009

Advocacy Project: Letter to Public Offical

December 7, 2009
Senator Amy Klobuchar
United States Senate
302 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-2304 

Honorable Senator Amy Klobuchar,

My name is Jordanne Even and I am a student at the University of Minnesota Duluth.  I am very concerned about the water pollution and the testing of lakes, rivers, and estuaries. In Minnesota our lakes and rivers are very important to its residents.  Many people use these bodies of water for recreational purposes and for their drinking water.  It is important that the water quality is tested in a uniform matter to ensure it is safe to use. 

 I am writing you to vote “yes” to the bill H.R.1262 that is working toward the guidelines set forth by the Clean Water Act, which is the cornerstone of water quality protection in the United States.  This Water Quality Investment Act’s goal is to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to authorize appropriations for State water pollution control revolving funds, and for other purposes.

This issue deserves the funds that it will take to regulate water quality testing.  People deserve to know that the water they are using is safe.  This issue is personally important to me because I live on a lake and I appreciate all it has to offer.  I want to know that the water will continue to be clean and tested regularly.  

This bill has been introduced and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works and has been passed by the House.  The next vote will be in the Senate.  I strongly encourage you vote “Yes” to H.R.1262 so we can move in a positive direction in the regulation of water quality testing.  If you have any questions, please, feel free to contact me. Thank you for your time.


Jordanne  Even
 (Contact information)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 11 & 12


Week 11 :  This week we focused more on our advocay projects and did an overview on our issues.  Mine is water quality and the regulation of water testing.  I am learing a lot about this topic and am excited to write a letter to my political representative to support this bill.  In class we did an activity defining words such as enviromental literacy. 

Next, we did a junking activity which I thought was a lot of fun.  Dr. V gave us some old items and we had to come up with uses for them.  It was cool to see all the ideas the class had.  It also gave me a some ideas of my own so I can start Junking myself!

Week 12
In class we learned about blog hops and shared our photo essays with the class.  It was great to see everyone's photo essays. I definalty learned more about environmental topics as well as my classmates.  My favorite photo essay was Keith's.  I thought he took some great pictures and shed some light on an important issue.  It was also fun to participate in the blog hop.  It is amazing how many tools are out there for us to use with our blogs.  I hope to use some of these tools in the future in my career.This class is fun becuase we are learing things that we can apply to our lives outside of school. 

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Share and Voice: Quiz Yourself

Global Warming Quiz

Click on this LINK and take the quiz

Do you know the true cost of Food?

Click on this LINK to take the quiz

Smart Travel Quiz

Click on this LINK to take the quiz

How Safe is your ...??



Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 9: Weekly Update

Over the next ten weeks I will use reusable waterbottles 100% of the time when drinking water and other beverages such as coffee, sports drinks and juice and I will consume 8 glasses of water a day.
I got back on track this week with my goal and was able to drink 8 glasses of water everyday! I also was able to use re-usable containers on most occasions this week.

I had only a few draw backs this week using plastic containers. I purchased a soda one day because I was really craving a Mountain Dew and I also purchased a coffee from Caribou on Monday.
I was really happy with myself this week after my poor performance last week.  I was still traveling because of the Thanksgiving Holiday but I stuck with my goal for the most part.  It was fun to tell my family and friends from home about my goal and about what we are learning in this class.  Overall, I think I had a good week.

What I Learned

I have learned that even if I do poorly one week I can turn it around.  I am happy that I have started this goal and I think it is something I can try and do for the rest of my life.  I have improved my health, saved money, and reduced my carbon footprint.  I also am planning on doing more things to be more eco-chic in the future.

Plans for Next Week
For the upcoming week, I plan on keeping my current SMART goal: I will use reusable water bottles 100% of the time when drinking water and other beverages such as coffee, sportsdrinks, and juice and I will consume 8 glasses of water each day.

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 9 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy

Monday, November 30, 2009

Eye Opener: Photo Essay

This photo essay gave me the chance to transform my normal grocery shopping experience into something a little more GREEN.  I decided to go to Whole Foods on 610 E 4th St.  

Bike racks and car pool parking spots encourage GREEN transportation! 

I purchased organic fruit and veggies along with locally made bread.  I even found some organic macaroni and cheese for .99 cents! 

Notice one of the ingredients of my bread is LOVE! {Very cute}

I decided not to purchase any meat to reduce my carbon footprint!

My final purchase was GREEN dishsoap.

MckLinky Blog Hop

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Share & Voice: Buy Nothing Day

** Watch this Video of The Daily Show where Jon Steward makes fun of Black Friday.

Instead of participating in the shopping frenzy of Black Friday this year I took part in another tradition called Buy Nothing Day. The idea behind Buy Nothing Day is to take a break from the mass consumerism that usually takes place the day after Thanksgiving.  People are asked to focus on things such as the environment and climate change.

‘Buy Nothing Day highlights the environmental and ethical consequences of shopping. The developed countries – only 20% of the world population are consuming over 80% of the earth’s natural resources, causing a disproportionate level of environmental damage and an unfair distribution of wealth.’


I have never liked the idea of Black Friday... getting up in the middle of the night to stand in a line never seemed like a lot of fun.  When I heard about Buy Nothing Day I thought it was a great chance to skip Black Friday and do something better with my time. SLEEP! The day was much more relaxing and for once I wasn't being a consumer.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 5: Fourth quarter of Omnivore's Dilemma

This section of the book is titled Hunting. It covers chapters 18-20 and pages 334-411. In this section the author talks about his experience with hunting and making the "perfect" meal of a hunter-gatherer.


Hunter/Gatherer: A hunter/gatherer society is one whose primary method substinence method is directy taking food from the environment or animals without the domesitcation of either. 
This section was less factual information and more of a look into the thoughts of the author and his experience with hunting.  He was eventully able to shoot and kill a pig for his meal but it didn't come easy.  This section also talked about his rewarding experience killing/gathering his own food and making a meal from scratch. 


I thought this section was important for the book becuase it shows the amount of work that is required to make your own authentic meal without all of the packaging, chemicals, and processing of most of the food we eat today.  I enjoyed getting to see the thought process of a first time hunter.  I have never shot anything and im not sure I ever will but it seems like it would be a good experience if done for the right reasons.  The author also talked about the difference between his "slow" meal compared to eating a fast-food meal.  He said that they are extreme examples of the way we engage with the world that sustains us.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 8: Weekly Update


Over the next ten weeks I will use reusable waterbottles 100% of the time when drinking water and other beverages such as coffee, sports drinks and juice and I will consume 8 glasses of water a day.


I didn't do a very good job this week but I noticed that I was more aware of the mistakes I was making then I would have been in the past.  This week I was away for three days at a basketball tournament.  


This was my worst week with my goal since I started.  We had our first long road trip for basketball and I couldn't help but notice how many paper products I wasted.  At half time of the games I would use paper cups to drink water and after the games our coaches gave us bottles of gatorade.  I should have turn down the gatorade and just drank water but after the game I was craving something with calories.  We also ate out a lot so I would get a paper cup with my subway ect.  


At the time when I was using non-reusable products I just brushed it off but after the weekend I felt really guilty for abandoning my goal.  However, I want to reach my goal more than ever now.  It is harder to do when you are away from your normal environment but I can do it if I try a little harder and have some self control.

What I Learned

I have learned that a goal is harder to reach if you are away from your normal environment and when you are around a group of people who are doing the same thing you are doing.  All of my teammates were using paper cups so it became easier for me to use them too.  On my next road trip I plan on doing a much better job.  

Plans for Next Week

For the upcoming week, I plan on keeping my current SMART goal: I will use reusable water bottles 100% of the time when drinking water and other beverages such as coffee, sportsdrinks, and juice and I will consume 8 glasses of water each day.

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 8 hosted by

Monday, November 23, 2009

Advocacy Project: Issue Overview

Objective 8-8 Water Quality: Increase the proportion of assessed rivers, lakes, and estuaries that are safe for fishing and recreational purposes

The issue that I am advocating for is water quality and the regulation of testing to ensure that lakes, rivers, and estuaries are safe for fishing and recreation.
What current legislation has been proposed to address this? (Identify bill # and name)
H.R.1262 Water Quality: To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to authorize appropriations for State water pollution control revolving funds, and for other purposes.
Who is affected by the issue? 
The issue of water quality affects the people who use lakes, rivers, and estuaries for fishing and recreation. It is important that the testing of these bodies of water are regulated so we can make sure that they are safe to use.   With all of the current water pollution it is possible that these waters can be contaminated and unsafe for public use.  This issue also affects the government and taxpayers because they are the ones who would be responsible for paying for the expenses of water testing.   The people who decide what is important to test are also affected because they have to choose what is safe for the public and what measures to take when testing the water.
Who is affected the most?
The people who are affected the most are the people who use the lakes, rivers, and estuaries because their health can be directly affected by the quality of the water.
Who loses, and what do they lose?
The State government loses because they have to pay for the testing of the water.  They have to hire people who will take accurate readings and they will have to follow regulations and report accurate results.
Who gains, and what do they gain?
The citizens will win because they will know that they have safe water to use.  They won’t have to question whether or not their water is safe to use because it will be tested often and the same across the board.

One consequence of this issue will be cost for funding.  According to the H.R. 1262 Water Quality Investment Act each American will need to pay $37 dollars over the next 5 years to fund the efforts to assess and regulate water quality.  
For the individuals mostly affected?
For the individuals most affected this will mean that the right funds and grants will be given for State government to control the testing of the amount of pollution in lakes, rivers, and estuaries in hopes to reduce the amount of pollution and improve overall water quality.
For their families?
For these individual’s families it will mean that they will be provided more information regarding the safety of the water that they count on for fishing and recreation.
For society?
For society the new bill will provide smaller communities the resources to fund water quality testing thereby, improving the health and safety of its residents.  Hopefully in the long run the testing will help reduce overall water pollution and improve the health of our country.  With improved health less money will be needed for health care.  I also believe that increased testing will help society trust that the government is doing its part to improve the lives of its citizens.

Economic impact
$10.6 billion dollars over the next 5 years
What are the economic costs of the issue, and who bears these costs?
$37 dollars per American over the next 5 years.  
What are the economic benefits of the issue, and who benefits?
The money will help support non-profit organizations to support water quality and programs.  In the long run everyone will benefit because water will be safer for everyone to use.  There will be less money spent on health care because there will less illness associated with the water we use in our country.

Social impact
People will be safe to use lakes, rivers, and estuaries for recreational purposes and fishing knowing that they are safe to use.  At the same time they might also be unwilling to fund the programs financially.  The people who do not have ready access to lakes, rivers, and estuaries may not be willing to give their money for something they do not use on a regular basis.
What are the social costs of the issue, and who bears these costs?
The social costs of this issue could be the stress the costs put on the public and the decisions on where to spend the money and if in fact the money will be put to good use to reduce the amount of water pollution.
What are the social benefits of the issue, and who benefits?
With cleaner and safer water the economy will benefit because people will be willing to spend time at the many tourist destinations that are located on lakes, rivers, and estuaries.  It also gives individuals and families the opportunity to spend time outdoors and to personally benefit from their recreational experiences.

This bill has already passed in the House but still needs to be voted on by the Senate and signed by the president.  Another barrier is cost.  During tough economical times some citizen may not be willing to pay for the testing of water quality.

How can they be overcome?
Barriers can be overcome by education.  If people know the health risks that are associated with contaminated fish and water they may be more willing to fund testing.  It is also important that the politicians are aware that clean water is important to the people especially since we live in a place where rivers, lakes and estuaries are abundant.

Great Lakes Regional Water Program
Great Lakes Fish Consumption Advisory
Water Pollution in the Great Lakes 
H.R. 1262: Water Quality Investment Act of 2009
Contact Jim Oberstar
To understand this bill the links above are helpful.  First it is important to understand the issue and next to know who to contact if you want H.R. 1262: Water Quality Investment Act of 2009 passed.  A great way to tap these resources is to use the interent of to contact Jim Oberstar.
** Here is Jim Oberstar's Facebook page! 

This bill stems of of the Clean Water Act their goal is "to the protection and propagation of fish, shellfish, and wildlife and recreation in and on the water." The bill that I am dealing was meant to be an addition to the CWA.  In the past there has been a lack of funding for smaller communities and a non regulated system. This bill is trying to address the money needs for those smaller communities.

Some programs are already in place to reduce and monitor pollution such as the Pollution Prevention and  Assessment Team.  They promote on self assessment of water quality at homes and on farms.

What were the results?
In tracking the current bill to improve testing I found that the bill has been passed in the House and the bill now goes on to be voted on in the Senate. The last action was on March 16, 2009 and the bill was received in the Senate and then was referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Support / Oppose 

Vote YES!  I believe that this bill is a great chance to improve the testing of lakes and rivers that are apart of our lives.  We need to protect the environment and our health and funding this effort can make a difference.